Saturday, September 1, 2012


If you have children, or grandchildren, or nephews, or you know your friend's children  between the ages of 5 and 17, don't miss this chance to win with
Here's a great opportunity to use your imagination and artistic talent: enter the first-ever international World Food Day poster contest for young people , ORGANIZED BY THE UNITED NATIONS AND UNWG. 
If your children enter with Olgiata life, they have a chance to also win the Olgiatalife Prize!
The theme of the 2012 poster contest is
"Agricultural cooperatives – key to feeding the world"
A cooperative is a business that balances two goals – making money and keeping its members and communities happy by providing what they need. Imagine a
group of people working together to grow vegetables or fruit, to fish together or simply to sell something collectively. By joining forces, members of
a cooperative can benefit by sharing materials, experience or other resources. They can also bargain in a more powerful way.
If you've ever been part of a team, you know something about cooperation. When you work together as a team, you can achieve things that would otherwise
be unachievable. This is why we are featuring cooperatives as an effective way of producing, processing, marketing and even buying food.
In the world today, an estimated one billion people are members of some kind of cooperative. Your own parents or neighbors might belong to a co-op.
If you are interested, reply to this e-mail by September 12th.
Registrations will take place at the Olgiata Shopping Centre on September 13th and 14th from 5:30 pm to 8pm, in the Galleria, near Premaman.
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