Friday, March 17, 2017


What Welcome Neighbor continues to do after over thirty years is to say the least amazing and still greatly appreciated.
last Tuesday  the international ladies residing in Olgiata and the surrounding areas gathered for a lovely top of the world international buffet hosted by long time friend and member Jenny Ussani.  The sun was literally shining over that rooftop balcony overlooking the city of Rome and its peculiar green cloak of maritime trees.
As a kind offering, always typical of the Welcome Neighbor girls everyone brought soft drinks to share with Project Rome.  A little treat for those who have no home and rely on people's kindness to survive.
A sincere thanks to Jenny and Giuseppe Ussani for opening their lovely home and gorgeous terrace.
Next event, Olgiata, April 11th.
For info write to
The only requirement is the English language.

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