Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A Literary Coffee Morning with Annika MIlisic Stanley

Winner of the Cinnamon New book Award, Annika Milisic Stanley coloured the Welcome Neighbor Coffee morning with a very interesting presentation of her last novel, published by Cinnamon Press and available on Kindle.  The Disobedient Wife takes place in ex Soviet Tagikistan, where Annika lived with her husband and children for about three years.  while living there she organised a toddlers' group where she was able to meet local and expat mums and became aware of the many dramas that women are forced to live each day.  Some issues even seem so absurd to a Western world mentality but are totally accepted there, like a husband phoning his wife and telling her on the phone that they are divorced and this is it, .  she is suddenly alone and rejected by everyone in society and her children are given in custody to the husband.  Lots  of questions and great  interest among   those present this morning at Veronica Loguercio's villa in Le Rughe.  Many thanks to our kind hostess and to Annika for making this first of the year encounter a truly happy one.  And great to see so many old comers 
Our next Welcome Neighbor meeting will be in Olgiata on February 23rd!

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